The Second Wave of COVID 19 Across the world

Published on 28 October 2020 at 12:57

The Irish government implemented level five restrictions to combat the second wave of Covid 19, however how did other nations in top ten of the UN HDI do?

Norway: Crew, players, and other attendees of the Norway Chess tournament are taking tests for the coronavirus. Norwegian medical authorities advised them to do so because they had been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 as they are hoping not postpone any international sporting events. The Norway Chess tournament was the first over-the-board chess event with the world's best players since the pandemic.

Switzerland: On 21 October 2020, Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) reported 5,596, new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection over 24 hours. The highest daily reported figure during spring was 1,293. . A significant increase in testing means infection figures reported over spring are not comparable to today’s numbers just like the same situation in the Republic of Ireland. However, the difference in test positivity is narrowing just like here in Ireland. During the peak in March 2020 around 25% of tests came back positive. Over the last 24 hours 20% were positive. Swiss hospitals are admitting more Covid-19 patients which is putting pressure on the health service just like the HSE. An additional 115 patients were admitted over the last 24 hours, according to FOPH. There are currently 1,049 Covid-19 patients in hospitals across Switzerland, according to FOPH figures.

Germany: Second wave takes hold in Europe as Governments introduce new restrictions as Germany and Italy reported another record gain in coronavirus infections, as France and Spain became the first countries in Western Europe to pass one million cases since the start of the pandemic.

Hong Kong: Health officials confirm the national carrier (Nepal airlines) will be barred from Hong Kong for another two weeks after incident on very first flight back as the sole local coronavirus infection, meanwhile, belongs to a Tung Chung woman who tested negative twice during quarantine and visited several restaurants as it was nine passengers arriving on a Nepal Airlines flight and a returning resident who twice tested negative during quarantine were among Hong Kong’s 11 new Covid-19 cases on Thursday, prompting authorities to ban the carrier yet again, just four days after it completed a two-week suspension. Dr Chuang Shuk-kwan, head of the Centre for Health Protection’s communicable disease branch, confirmed at a press conference that flights from Nepal’s national airline would be barred for another two weeks, through November 4. Of all the places that have seen off a second coronavirus wave, only Vietnam and Hong Kong have done as well as Victorians as of the 215 nations and territories that have reported COVID-19 cases, 120 have experienced clear second waves or late first waves that began in July or later. That’s according to the Worldometer global database, which sources data from national ministries of health and the World Health Organisation as the Irish statistics also get submitted there. Of these 120, only six have definitively emerged from their second wave which is Australia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore. I am not including New Zealand, as the series of clusters that arose in Auckland in mid-August never evolved into a clear second wave and fingers crossed level five restrictions could help put Ireland among those nations. Ultimately, Victoria has performed extremely well.

Australia: Australia's coronavirus epicentre records no new cases as the US and Western Europe struggle to contain the pandemic with the help of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews who always speaks at the daily briefing in Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne, the city at the epicentre of Australia's coronavirus epidemic, will move out of lockdown this week after the Victoria state health department on Sunday reported no new cases and no deaths due to the virus for the first time in more than four months. Announcing the relaxation of restrictions at a news conference on Monday, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews said starting on Tuesday at 11:59 p.m., Melbourne residents will be allowed to leave their homes and most businesses in the state can reopen with restrictions on the number of people which would mirror level 2 in Ireland.  "With 0 cases and so much testing, we are able to say that now is the time to open up. Now is the time to congratulate every single Victorian who has stayed the course," Andrews said and the hope is for Tony Hollahan to say a similar message to the Irish people before Christmas. The remarkable milestone of no new cases comes just months after Andrews declared a "state of disaster" to stem an outbreak that saw as many as 725 people in the state test positive for the virus in a single day which is lower than recent statistics in Ireland. The steep decline in cases has allowed the government to lift major social distancing measures.

Iceland: 50 new coronavirus infections were diagnosed domestically yesterday. Of these, Vísir reports that 22 were in quarantine at the time of diagnoses and 28 were not which is still lower than the Irish rate per capita. This comes following a spike in cases over the weekend as even though the 30 cases diagnosed on Thursday was the lowest number in a single day for a whole month, Friday saw 76 new cases and Saturday 58. The 50 new cases yesterday is therefore an improvement.

Sweden: Sweden has taken a notably lax approach to dealing with Coronavirus, avoiding lockdowns.  

Singapore: There were three new Covid-19 cases confirmed as at noon on Monday (Oct 26), taking Singapore's total to 57,973. There were two imported cases that had been placed on stay-home notices on arrival in Singapore, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Monday. There were no new community cases but there was one case from a worker's dormitory which raises similar concerns to the likes of meat factories in Ireland. More details will be announced on Monday night, said MOH as they hold daily briefings like Ireland. The two new locally transmitted Covid-19 cases confirmed on Sunday were migrant workers living in dormitories which are a similar situation to Ireland where Brazilians are the highest affected ethic minority group when it comes to Covid 19. One was tested when he developed acute respiratory infection symptoms.

Netherlands: The number of coronavirus infections in the Netherlands jumped by more than 10,000  in 24 hours.

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